Founder & Data Engineer at Oberion. Likes strategy and meaningful stories. Entrepreneur and retired Minesweeper pro player.
2 minute read · 15 August 2018I believe too many high-quality indie games go unnoticed. A passionate developer who has put hundreds and thousands of hours of development time into their game should not be forced to abandon video games simply because nobody knows about their project. I want to solve this challenge which has been described as the “discoverability problem”. My mission is to raise awareness for these innovative but hidden indie gems.
At the same time players who like certain niche games or just innovative indie games should not spend hours searching for that one game that will blow their mind again. I want to make your gaming library more transparent, easily browsable, and similar games comparable at a glance.
I use academic research conducted at the Braunschweig University of Technology to build a web service that will match new innovative games with the right players using cutting-edge technologies in the field of data science and data processing. My startup Oberion is currently early in development but with an entrepreneurial mind set: Let’s realize this idea and see how it goes. There might just be valuable lessons to be learned and something great to be built along the way. Build, measure, learn, and repeat.
My idea is NOT to build another digital distribution platform for video games. Oberion does not sell games.
My goal is to connect players with the right games starting with the PC gaming market. A trip advisor or search engine specialized for video games if you like.